Has ChromeDriver been updated on the Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) image?

This doesn’t work as is, because the default dependencies command(1) doesn’t exclude the development group.

We could override the default command, but our next try has been this:

group :test do
  gem "chromedriver-helper" unless ENV.key?('CIRCLECI')

This does succeed at preventing the installation of the problematic newer version of ChromeDriver, but we have now another problem: Selenium WebDriver fails to connect to ChromeDriver, with this error message:

  unable to connect to chromedriver

EDIT: we fixed this by rebuilding without cache. I guess that some files created by the gem and kept in the cache were interfering even after the gem was disabled.

A quick search on the forums led me to a topic discussing a similar issue. Interestingly, one of the solutions proposed to solve this is to use the gem that we just disabled :slight_smile:

This could work if chromedriver-helper allowed to configure the ChromeDriver version to install, but it’s not currently the case (there is an open pull-request for this on GitHub).

I haven’t really dug into this yet. I’d like to figure out the ChromeDriver connection problem, possibly by understanding how/why it worked with the gem, but I might use a patched version of the gem that allows pinning the ChromeDriver version to 2.27 as a quick workaround.

(1): defaut dependencies command:

$ bundle check --path=vendor/bundle || bundle install --path=vendor/bundle --jobs=4 --retry=3