Getting rvm: command not found Action failed: set ruby version to 2.2.2


I’m using the iOS beta program, and trying to integrate Fastlane with CircleCI. I’ve added the line to specify the required Ruby version:

version: "2.2.2"
version: “7.1”

But keep receiving the following error:

((rm -f “/Users/distiller/TVML-DemoApp-tvOS/.rvmrc”) (echo “2.2.2” > “/Users/distiller/TVML-DemoApp-tvOS/.ruby-version”) (rvm use “2.2.2” --default)) returned exit code 127

bash: line 3: rvm: command not found Action failed: set ruby version to 2.2.2

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Setting the ruby version is not supported on OSX containers.

Thank you for your question.

CircleCI supported Ruby version for OSX. You can check here: How to use Ruby on the OS X machines.