Gcp-gke orb fails credentials

I’ve just started with circleci and I used the following orb to get started deploying straight into our existing GKE cluster:

I’ve notice there is a problem with the rollout commands in that the get-credentials command is confused by passing the deployment when it should be the GKE cluster name. This name is not available in the parameters.

For example the source here:

      - run: |
          gcloud container clusters get-credentials <<parameters.deployment>>
          kubectl set image deployment <<parameters.deployment>> <<parameters.container>>=<<parameters.image>>

I’ve modified to work for us using the following:

    description: "Update a deployment's Docker image."
        description: "The Kubernetes deployment name."
        type: string
        description: "The container within the deployment pod"
        type: "string"
        description: "The GKE cluster name"
        type: string
        description: A name for your docker image
        type: string
      - run: |
          gcloud container clusters get-credentials <<parameters.cluster>>
          kubectl set image deployment <<parameters.deployment>> <<parameters.container>>=<<parameters.image>>

Is this the right place to raise this as a bug? I can’t find a github repo for this orb specifically.

Also where can we raise feature requests for orbs or to enhance existing orbs?

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Hi there @hawksight, apologies for the delay. You can find the GitHub repository here:

Please file an issue so we can investigate. Feel free to file feature requests against that repository, as well—and thanks!

Thanks rose, only just around to looking back at this and looks like someone else already raised the issue here, and it was fixed in the same manner as I had done here.

Thanks for opening up the repo though, very helpful.