Fresh installing of dependencies via pnpm install doesn't finish the step

Typically dependencies are installed from the cache and that works but I recently bumped one of them and pnpm install command that I use, is performing a proper install but the build step gets stuck on this output:

“Install dependencies” step

#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
pnpm install
Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped
Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
Packages: +2196

Progress: resolved 2196, reused 1, downloaded 54, added 45
Progress: resolved 2196, reused 1, downloaded 654, added 770
Progress: resolved 2196, reused 1, downloaded 1218, added 1325
Packages are cloned from the content-addressable store to the virtual store.
Content-addressable store is at: /home/circleci/.local/share/pnpm/store/v3
Virtual store is at: node_modules/.pnpm
Progress: resolved 2196, reused 1, downloaded 1799, added 1906
Progress: resolved 2196, reused 1, downloaded 2072, added 2195
Progress: resolved 2196, reused 1, downloaded 2072, added 2196, done
…/core-js@2.6.12/node_modules/core-js postinstall$ node -e “try{require(‘./postinstall’)}catch(e){}”
…/node_modules/puppeteer postinstall$ node install.js
…/core-js@2.6.12/node_modules/core-js postinstall: Done
…/node_modules/puppeteer postinstall: Chrome (116.0.5845.96) downloaded to /home/circleci/.cache/puppeteer/chrome/linux-116.0.5845.96

I SSHed to the machine and performed pnpm install from there. That works! It finishes properly. I also experimented with different versions of pnpm from 8.6.6 to the latest 8.15.4, but the result is the same.

I suspect the problem is with output on CircleCI :thinking: As mentioned, installing on the SSHed machine and locally shows no problems at all so I think pnpm is not guilty here.

Please advise :pray:

Can you post your config.yml file or a cut-down version that shows the same problem?

I’ll prepare a repo that I can share in the next business-day. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I prepared a repo with reproduction and it worked :thinking: So I retriggered the workflow for the project… and it works now as well.

I can’t explain it any other way than some temporary network issue with package mirrors, registers, or whatever :man_shrugging:

Marking as solved because I don’t have this problem anymore. But what was the reason? IDK :man_shrugging:

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