Docker run publish -p

Do you know if a CircleCI_Job which uses docker_executor can run & publish a container to the Docker Hosts IP address using -p option ?
More specifically, in the below config.yml in the job - build_runtime

working_directory: ~/repo/docker
- image: circleci/node:12.0.0

  - checkout:
      path: ~/repo

  - setup_remote_docker:
      docker_layer_chaining: true
      docker_layer_caching: true

  - run:
      name: create-runtime-docker
      command: docker-compose build runtime

  - run:
      name: test-npm
      command: |
          npm install
          export DOCKER_HOST_IP=$(echo $DOCKER_HOST | awk -F[/:] '{print $4}')
          npm test

we call an npm test task which runs the below command. Where the IP is that of the circleci docker host -> DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

docker run -d --name “contnr_name” -p <image_name>

Based on our observation the job just hangs until cancelled when we try to do something like this. Exact logs from circleci job is below:

InsideNpm: [npm-task] > docker run -d --name “content_name” -p
-v /home/2019_10_01T23_16_19_166Z/in:/in:ro -v /home/2019_10_01T23_16_19_166Z/out:/out <image_name>:0.0.23
WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
InsideNpm: [npm-task] > docker port 8b92dbd0b571d8e3228c6cc233d6d966dd920f437d02b228263dfe42059e78c7 8080

InsideNpm: [npm-task] initializing action: POST

…Step was canceled

This is an enterprise installation of CircleCI.