Deployment using CircleCI on AWS


I am trying to deploy app to AWS using CircleCI.
I have gone through document and referring to

I am unable to understand the use of command under AWS

  - run:
      name: Deploy to S3 if tests pass and branch is Master
      command: aws s3 sync jekyll/_site/docs s3://circle-production-static-site/docs/ --delete

How can i use this to deploy my app to AWS instance. Can i deploy docker containers using this command?

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Iā€™m guessing that aws s3 sync command just syncs the local dir jekyll/_site/docs to the remote s3://circle-production-static-site/docs/, probably like (or using) Rsync.

I am sure you can deploy a Docker image. Assuming you have built one in your config, you can docker login to your registry, tag and push. I guess from there you can run a remote command on your deployment target to pull and restart the container, but it depends what you are using remotely (Docker, Docker Compose, Swarm, Kube, etc).

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