Deployment is broken after rotating secrets

Since the security alert has been released,

We have been experiencing problem deploying our app since the 6th of January!

I have rotated the secrets and upon triggering deployment we get this error:

master queueable
This build will block until all previous builds complete.
Max Queue Time: 180 minutes.
Only blocking execution if running previous jobs on branch: master
Attempting to access CircleCI api. If the build process fails after this step, ensure your CIRCLECI_API_KEY is set.
API access successful
Checking time of workflow: 91aa2db4-90f9-40f0-a3ae-7f355b2307dd

Exited with code exit status 22

What needs to be done to mitigate the matter ?

There was a problem with the circle api key rotation

Hi @HeronQ,

The error message:

Attempting to access CircleCI api. If the build process fails after this step, ensure your CIRCLECI_API_KEY is set.

indeed suggested that the CircleCI API token you’re using is no longer valid.

This is a consequence of our decision to remove all Personal and Project API Tokens created before 00:00 UTC on January 5, 2023. (See the “Security update 01/06/2023 - 17:52 UTC”).

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Tanks YannCI, It’s solved, somehow there was a problem with updating the circleci token :wink: