I would really like to be able to do something like this:
- attach_workspace:
where the WORKSPACE_MOUNT_PATH variable is defined as part of the executor. I know of no single fixed path string that works on both Linux/Mac and Windows executors because of Windows’ need for a drive letter (e.g. /tmp/workspace vs c://tmp/workspace), so the attach_workspace step can’t be made platform-agnostic. If only it supported environment variable interpolation I could stop doing annoying things like this:
- when:
condition: << parameters.IS_WINDOWS >>
- attach_workspace:
at: c:/tmp/workspace
- unless:
condition: << parameters.IS_WINDOWS >>
- attach_workspace:
at: /tmp/workspace
Is there something I’m missing here? More broadly, is there a good reference for where exactly environment variable interpolation works? I have to just try things and find out, which is slow and often surprising. For instance, it seems variables work in docker image:
specifications, but not for some reason in workspace paths.