CircleCI Config Suggestions Bot

Motivation: Give users an easy way to take advantage of additional CircleCI functionality.

Functionality: CircleCI will identify if your pipeline can benefit from an optimization, optimize your .circleci/config.yml, commit the optimized config.yml to a new branch, and open a pull request to merge the optimized config.yml to your default branch. The pull request is opened on behalf of CircleCI’s GitHub App.

Supported optimizations:

  1. Splitting tests across nodes and running them in parallel
  2. Rerun failed tests
  3. Resource class upgrades & downgrades
  4. Docker Layer caching

Comment below with any questions.

Only available to users of our GitHub App integration. If you’d like to opt out, fill out this form.

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You should make this its own GitHub organization, I think it’d make a fun project.