CircleCI has a feature to hold a job until someone approves it. However, when users commits a lot, each workflow will remain on hold until canceled, and if there are many workflows, the canceling might be time-consuming. Especially when a terraform-related jobs; user would like to cancel the workflow to ensure no one accidentally approves the workflow.
- The following script will require you to set some parameter depending on your project and will retrive the initial request to get the required pipeline information. CircleCI API
org_name='nanophate' # Organization Name
prj_name='circleci-template' # Project / Repository Name
branch_name='main' # Branch Name
initail_req=$(curl -s -H "Circle-Token: ${CIRCLECI_PERSONAL_TOKEN}" "${org_name}/${prj_name}/pipeline?branch=${branch_name}")
pipeline_ids+=$(echo $initail_req | jq -r '.items[].id')
next_page_token=$(echo $initail_req | jq -r '.next_page_token')
- During the
start pipeline while
phase it would retrive and store all of the pipeline_id intopipeline_ids
to further use it in the code. - After completing the above
start workflow while
now requires to retrive all the workflow id withon_hold
status. The.items[].status == "on_hold"
might be needed to a adjust depending on your approval job’s name. - Finally from the
the cancel API gets called and each workflow would be canceled.
while [ "$next_page_token" != "null" ]
echo "start pipeline while"
echo $next_page_token
reqs=$(curl -s -H "Circle-Token: ${CIRCLECI_PERSONAL_TOKEN}" "${org_name}/${prj_name}/pipeline?page-token=${next_page_token}")
pipeline_ids="${pipeline_ids}\n$(echo $reqs | jq -r '.items[].id')"
next_page_token=$(echo $reqs | jq -r '.next_page_token')
echo $next_page_token
echo "end pipeline while"
echo ${pipeline_ids} | while read pip_id; do
initail_wf_req=$(curl -s -H "Circle-Token: ${CIRCLECI_PERSONAL_TOKEN}" "${pip_id}/workflow")
workflow_ids+="$(echo $initail_wf_req | jq -r 'select(.items[].status == "on_hold") | .items[].pipeline_id')"
while [ "$wf_next_page_token" != "null" ]
echo "start workflow while"
echo $wf_next_page_token
echo $pip_id
wf_reqs=$(curl -s -H "Circle-Token: ${CIRCLECI_PERSONAL_TOKEN}" "${pip_id}/workflow?page-token=${next_page_token}")
workflow_ids+="$(echo $initail_wf_req | jq -r 'select(.items[].status == "on_hold") | .items[].pipeline_id')"
wf_next_page_token=$(echo $wf_reqs | jq -r '.next_page_token')
echo $wf_next_page_token
echo "end workflow while"
echo ${workflow_ids} | while read wf_id; do curl -fsS -X POST -H "Circle-Token: ${CIRCLECI_PERSONAL_TOKEN}" "${wf_id}/cancel"; done