Which occur in the build job, so I don’t have to run them again inside the test job?
I know I could put the build and test into a single job, but is there anyway to do it without merging the two jobs? I just figured out how to unmerge them after a whole day of troubleshooting.
I just want to make sure I understand your answer. It’s the restore_cache: step that pulls the dependencies from the build job, right?
I’m looking through the docs you linked now! It looks like I need a corresponding save_cache step in the ‘build’ job. Would that look something like this:
# Job 1: Successfully install dependencies and create venv
- image: circleci/python:3.8
working_directory: ~/repo
# Step 1: obtain repo from GitHub
- checkout
# Step 2: create virtual env and install dependencies
- run:
name: create venv and install dependencies
command: |
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Step 3: save dependencies for use in 'tests' job.
- save_cache:
key: dep-cache
- path/to/dependencies
# Job 2: Run unit tests:
- image: circleci/python:3.8
- checkout
- restore_cache:
key: dep-cache
- run:
name: setup venv and run tests
command: |
python3 -m venv venv
pytest -v --cov
I have to say that I understand checksums only at a very basic conceptual level (in general or here at circleci). I’m not sure what the line key: v1-python-cache-{{ checksum "requirements.txt" }} does, or if I need it to save my dependencies?
I see these checksums in the docs, explained as ways to verify that circleci has the latest version? It’s a little vague.
You can actually have multiple save_cache sections. If the cache already exists(based on the cache key) it will just skip it.
The “checksum” really just creates a hash of the file. A big long string like tZSIvBYwnefhyHSa1LxnSBBGVujwgt4cZ7wQfqO0r5k=. That will always be the same string for the same file, but will be a different string if the content of the file changes. So that if that specific file changes, the key will change and the cache will miss.
requirements.txt typically changes when you add new dependencies via pip and do a pip freeze > requirements.txt. So you can use that file to determine if you have updated the dependencies because the requirements.txt might have changed.
One quick note about your last step
command: |
python3 -m venv venv
pytest -v --cov
Make sure to also do a . venv/bin/activate before pytest. Because of how CircleCI steps run, you’ll want to do that in any run step before you run your Python command like pytest
Sorry if these questions are annoying. I’ve read through the dependency caching docs two full times now, and I’m still getting errors saying that the venv/bin/activate can’t be found in the test job, after restoring the cache.
Well, I think I’ve tried everything. As far as I can tell, caching my virtual environment directory from the “Build” job does nothing for the “Test” job. I have decided to just install dependencies twice. This will probably annoy me after a while and I will merge building and testing back into one job. It’s a shame this doesn’t work intuitively. My saving grace is that I’m an amateur and my project is a small one, so waiting a few extra seconds doesn’t matter.