Can anyone explain why my job is not running on a tagged build

My circle workflow is configured, among other things, to run a cypress end to end test job on every branch and on tagged builds. This job uses the same filter patterns as many other jobs in the workflow.

However, on the tagged builds the publish job, which is supposed to depend on the cypress job, runs though the cypress job doesn’t. I have no idea how that’s even remotely possible.

Here’s a master build

Here’s a tagged build

Could somebody offer any ideas?

I think you might need to set up the tag filter on your build job as well. From my experience, tags work only if every job in the “chain” has the correct filters. Since end-to-end-tests requires build, and build does not run for tags (in the current config), this would explain why the job does not run.

Could you try changing this:

      - build:
            - install

to this:

      - build:
            - install
          filters: *only_version_tags
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Thanks @levlaz. So easy to miss. I really miss circleci 1’s ‘always run a task unless filtered not to’ semantics

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For sure, I have banged my head against my desk many times for little things like this. I am glad you got it sorted out.

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