Builds from forks failing on Spin up Environment

We are seeing all builds from forks fail when a build runs. They are all failing on Spin up environment:

Build-agent version 0.1.799-f865b43f (2018-10-11T12:48:06+0000)
Downloading previous test results from
Error downloading previous test results: failed to download from: s3://production-test- 
402a-a05d-58abcba53718.json: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = 

This is a bit mind boggling as when I look at the link for the build it mentions, I can see it show:

Archiving the following test results
* /home/circleci/abortioneering/test-results


This looks like a bug on CircleCI 2.0 to me, but it’s hard to tell as I can’t dig much deeper. Any help would be appreciated!

hey, sorry to be a bother and bump this – I’m a coworker of DarthHater’s, and this is still a hassle for us a month and change later (and impacting our ability to accept contributions to a community open source project). Is there a reason why forks might not be authorized to download from s3 buckets or something like that?

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It looks like it is trying to fetch test results, presumably related to the store_test_results which you have in there.

  1. I would try commenting out this feature to start with. I wonder if test results are now cached against this job, but this is worth a try
  2. Is the S3 address accessible from a local S3 browser on your machine? You can get a free application to test this
  3. Consider sending an email to Historically, CircleCI have only offered ticket support to paying customers, but I think it is open to everyone now. I suggest describing the problem you have (rather than merely linking here) so that everything a developer needs to dig into it is in one place.
  4. Is this your S3 bucket or one belonging to CircleCI? I am pondering how the authorisation works for one branch and not another - maybe Contexts or something work differently per branch?

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