Build Fails on Acceptance of License Agreements

Thanks @KyleTryon. I didn’t realize we have non alpha versions available. Is alpha meant to be a “canary” build or they legacy when moving over to docker images?

Also for future reference, I added a new step & command to my circle.yml file which approves all Android SDK licenses:

yes | $ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses || if [ $? -ne '141' ]; then exit $?; fi;  #Captures SIGPIPE 141 error but still allow repeating "y" to accept all licenses

Since CircleCi captures pipe errors, that if statements captures the 141 error that occurs. All other errors are reported. error 141 occurs when sending input to a command that no longer exists.

This works on the same docker image as before. No additional changes were necessary.