Hi, I have an issue Assembling release APK with this error :
Task :app:minifyGoogleDevReleaseWithR8 FAILED
/home/circleci/project/wetter.com/proguard-rules/proguard-project-wettercom.pro:50:1-27: R8: Ignoring option: -useuniqueclassmembernames
/usr/local/openjdk-11/lib/rt.jar: R8: File not found: /usr/local/openjdk-11/lib/rt.jar
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:app:minifyGoogleDevReleaseWithR8’.
com.android.tools.r8.CompilationFailedException: Compilation failed to complete
File is not found : /usr/local/openjdk-11/lib/rt.jar
Any Idea how I can check if the version exist and if not how I can add it?