Android Orb not having gradlew permissions

Hello everyone. I am following the documentation for deploying android to Circle CI from the official documentation. However, the pipeline fails with the error: “Permission denied - /path-to-project/gradlew”. I have checked out other discussion threads and the solution was to add this to my config.yml file.

- run:
      name: Grant execution permission to gradlew
     command: chmod +x ./gradlew

I did this but without success. Meanwhile, running the command chmod +x ./gradlew locally before fastlane deploy resolves the issue. I wonder if anyone has faced this same issue before and has pointers on how to resolve it.

Here’s the content of my config file:

version: 2.1

  android: circleci/android@3.0.2
description: >
  Deploy an android app on CircleCI to the Google Play Store using Fastlane. For
  use with CirceCI Environment Variables.
      - android/deploy_to_play_store:
            name: android/android_docker
            tag: "2024.11.1"
          base64_keystore: BASE64_KEYSTORE
          release_key_alias: RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS
          release_key_password: RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD
          release_keystore: ./keystore
          keystore_location: KEYSTORE_LOCATION
          release_store_password: RELEASE_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD
          keystore_properties_working_directory: '.'
          google_play_key: GOOGLE_PLAY_KEY
          lane_name: deploy
          fastlane_working_directory: '.'