Android Images - October Update

Hey Everyone!

A new release for the Android machine (VM) is available, as is a new Docker image.

      - image: cimg/android:2023.10.2

      image: android:2023.10.1

What’s New

Just software updates this month

Android Docker

  • NDK 25.1.8937393 → 26.0.10792818
  • Gcloud: 444.0.0 → 448.0.0
  • Fastlane 2.214.0 → 2.216.0

Android VM

Includes the above changes as well as:

  • Node (LTS) 18.17.1 → 18.18.0
  • Node (Latest) 20.5.1 → 20.8.0
  • Docker 24.0.5→ 24.0.6
  • Docker Compose 2.20.2 → 2.21.0
  • Pyenv 2.3.25 → 2.3.27

Release Cadence

Expect an update every 1-2 months for these images, excluding security updates


Here’s a quick usage example:

version: 2.1
      - build
      image: android:2023.10.1
      - checkout
      - run: echo "Do some things"


Here is a list of the major software installed on each image. If multiple versions are present, the default is shown here:

Android Machine Image Android Docker Image
Tag android:2023.10.1 android:2023.10.1
Docker 24.0.6 20.10.23
Docker Compose 2.21.0 2.20.2
Docker Compose Switch 1.0.5 1.0.5
Google Cloud SDK 448.0.0 448.0.0
Android Platform 27 → 34 27 → 34
Android Build Tools 34.0.0-rc3 34.0.0-rc3
Node.js 18.18.0 18.18.0 (node variant)
npm 9.4.2 9.4.2
yarn 1.22.19 1.22.19
Android NDK 26.0.10792818 26.0.10792818
OpenJDK 17.0.6 17.0.6
Maven 3.9.4 3.9.4
Gradle 8.3 8.3
cmake 3.22.1 3.22.1
Python 3.11.5 3.11.5
Ruby 3.2.2 3.2.2
extras android;m2, google;m2, google play services android;m2, google;m2, google play services

Can’t find cimg/android:2023.10.1-ndk - there are only node and browsers variants.

Just checked and you’re right, the file is there but it didnt get published. I’ll get right on this issue and hopefully have it resolved by EOD.

@yachoor a new cimg version cimg/android:2023.10.2 has now been published to supersede 10.1. This tag has the ndk variant that was missing from 10.1 which can be used by specifying cimg/android:2023.10.2-ndk

Awesome, thank you!