Android Images - March Update

Hey Everyone!

A new edge release for the Android machine (VM) is available, as is a new GA Docker image.

      - image: cimg/android:2023.03.1

      image: android:edge

What’s New

Mostly software updates, but this release marks the changeover from openjdk 11 to openjdk 17.

This edge release moves the VM image to ubuntu 22.04 to keep parity with the docker image and the GA release will follow suit.

Android Docker

  • gcloud: 417.0.1 → 420.0.0
  • build-tools: 33.0.2 → 34.0.0-rc2
  • openjdk-11 → openjdk-17
  • gradle 7.6 → 8.0.1
  • added android-UpsideDownCake (android-34 preview)

Android VM

Includes the above changes as well as:

  • Node.js (LTS): 18.14.0 → 18.15.0
  • Node.js (current): 19.6.0 → 19.8.1
  • Python 3.11.1 → 3.11.2
  • Removed Ruby 2.7.7

Release Cadence

Expect an update every 1-2 months for these images, excluding security updates


Here’s a quick usage example:

version: 2.1
      - build
      image: android:edge
      - checkout
      - run: echo "Do some things"


Here is a list of the major software installed on each image. If multiple versions are present, the default is shown here:

Android Machine Image Android Docker Image
Tag android:edge android:2023.03.1
Docker 20.10.23 20.10.23
Docker Compose 2.16.0 2.16.0
Docker Compose Switch 1.0.5 1.0.5
Google Cloud SDK 420.0.0 420.0.0
Android Platform 27 → 34 27 → 34
Android Build Tools 34.0.0-rc2 34.0.0-rc2
Node.js 18.15.0 18.15.0 (node variant)
npm 9.4.2 9.4.2
yarn 1.22.19 1.22.19
Android NDK 25.2.9519653 25.2.9519653
OpenJDK 17.0.6 17.0.6
Maven 3.9.0 3.9.0
Gradle 8.0.1 8.0.1
cmake 3.22.1 3.22.1
Python 3.11.2 3.11.2
Ruby 3.2.1 3.0.2
extras android;m2, google;m2, google play services android;m2, google;m2, google play services

Update: 27 March 2023

Due to a deployment issue, the Android edge machine image is temporarily not available.

We are working to resolve this and will post an update on this thread once access to this image has been restored.

Update: 28 March 2023

The deployment issue has been resolved, and access to the Android edge machine image is now restored.