Android Images - March 2022 Update

Hey Everyone!

New Android images for both machine (VM) and Docker are available:

      - image: cimg/android:2022.03.1

      image: android:2022.03.1

What’s New

Android Docker

  • the environment variables JAVA_HOME, JDK_HOME, and JRE_HOME are now set
  • the Android API platform Tiramisu was added
  • the Android API platform 23 was removed
  • Gradle was updated to v7.4

Android VM

For the Android machine image, we’ve begin using a new naming scheme.
The naming scheme, starting with this image, is<release> where <release> is the numbered release of that month. Each release of a month starts with a 1 and will increment there as needed.

  • Ruby was updated
  • Gradle was updated
  • Node.js was updated
  • the Android API platform Tiramisu was added
  • the Android API platform 23 was removed


Here is a list of the major software installed on each image. If multiple versions are present, the default is shown here:

Android VM Android Docker
Docker 20.10.12 20.10.12
Docker Compose 2.2.3 2.2.3
Docker Compose Switch 1.0.4 1.0.4
Google Cloud SDK 375.0.0 375.0.0
Android Platform 24 → 32, T 24 → 32, T
Android Build Tools 32.0.0 32.0.0
Node.js 16.14.0 16.14.0 (Node variant)
npm 8.5.2 8.3.1
yarn n/a 1.22.5
Android NDK 23.1.7779620 23.1.7779620
OpenJDK 11.0.13 11.0.14
Maven 3.8.4 3.8.4
Gradle 7.4 7.4
cmake 3.18.1 3.18.1
Python 3.10.2 Bundled with gCloud SDK
Ruby 3.1.1 2.7.0
extras android;m2, google;m2, google play services android;m2, google;m2, google play services