Hi everyone,
I’ve created this topic because I met a small problem using Circle 2.0 (in fact, “problem” is probably a large word), here’s the problem :
- I need to create a JSON file during the build which contains my Google Cloud credentials, why? Well, my code needs it for the registration part and especially during the profile image upload (to a dedicated bucket).
I’ve tried to use the following code :
- image: circleci/php:7.1-node-browsers
- image: redis
- checkout
- run: sudo composer self-update
- restore_cache:
- composer-v1-{{ checksum "composer.json" }}
- composer-v1-
- run: composer install -n --optimize-autoloader --classmap-authoritative
- run: composer dump-autoload --optimize --classmap-authoritative
- save_cache:
key: composer-v1-{{ checksum "composer.json" }}
- vendor
- run: cp .env.dist .env
- run: cp .env.behat.dist .env.behat
- run: mkdir -p $CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/config/credentials/google/bucket
- run: echo $GCP_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS > $CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/config/credentials/google/bucket/credentials.json
- run: ./bin/console d:d:c --env=test
- run: ./bin/console d:s:c --env=test
- run: vendor/bin/behat --profile default
- run: rm -rf var/data.db
The problem occurs when I try to “echo $GCP_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS > $CIRCLE_WORKING_DIRECTORY/config/credentials/google/bucket/credentials.json”, the build succeed but the file isn’t found and my tests fails, does anyone already met the problem ?
Thanks again for the help