Windows Build Error: Failed to create host

I am trying to get a build running on Windows, but it fails immediately with the following message:

Build-agent version 1.0.12636-9d41862d (2019-08-08T11:52:03+0000)
Creating a dedicated VM with windows-server-2019-vs2019:201908-06 image
failed to create host: Image windows-server-2019-vs2019:201908-06 is not compatible with resource class l1.medium

failed to create host: Image windows-server-2019-vs2019:201908-06 is not compatible with resource class l1.medium

Here is the link to the build in question:

Nevermind. I just realised that Windows isn’t available for free for open source projects like macOS is. Any comments on this? I was really hoping to move all my builds into one place but I have to run my windows builds on AppVeyor since they offer free Windows builds for open source projects.

Yeah, AppVeyor works pretty well. You could also consider TravisCI for Windows, that way you can still have Mac/Linux/Windows all in one place.