So it seems that a simply misconfiguration on CircleCI’s part sent me down a rabbit hole for hours.
I eventually found the answer here.
Seems that /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
was symlinked to the wrong directory /home/ubuntu/.phpenv
instead of the correct directory /opt/circleci/.phpenv
The full path to symlink to should be "${PHPENV_ROOT}/versions/$(phpenv global)/usr/lib/apache2/modules/"
where ${PHPENV_ROOT}
provides "/opt/circleci/.phpenv"
and $(phpenv global)
provides the PHP version number, such as "5.6.22"
This is what I had to add to my circle.yml
file to finally get it to work:
- sudo unlink "/usr/lib/apache2/modules/"
- sudo ln -s "${PHPENV_ROOT}/versions/$(phpenv global)/usr/lib/apache2/modules/" "/usr/lib/apache2/modules/"
This is a serious landmine for wasting time, and it makes my first user experience of CircleCI less than positive. I hope the rest of CircleCI is not filled with other gotchas or I will wish I had chosen a different platform.