Using Environment Variables inside Circle.yml

Alright, calm down. I mean this kindly, but passive-aggressive complaints are not going to enthuse CircleCI staff to tend immediately to your specific requirement. :smiley_cat: Spend time stroking the happy cat instead.

Indeed there are, but I think you meant “threads”.

On a wider note - and I don’t mean you specifically here - I have several times on this board seen rather bitter and unpleasant commentary directed towards Circle for not having feature X, or not having commented about it sufficiently to satisfy the commenter. I wonder whether some folks making the harshest complaints have not worked in a busy, commercial software environment. I suspect furthermore than some of the moaners are looking to use the free tier anyway, and they forget that engineering time is pretty expensive, and needs to be used carefully.

Let’s remember that employees are people too, and for those of us who are software engineers, let’s remember the last time that a hostile or poorly-worded customer complaint ruined our day.

Balancing every customer desire and getting stuff done is really hard, and inevitably some folks will be disappointed. The trick is trying to satisfy enough customers in order to pay staff and keep the lights on.

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