Next-Gen Android Convenience Image Now GA/Stable

The next-gen Android Convenience Image has now reached GA and is considered stable. This is the Docker based Android image, not to be confused with the Android VM image. Unless you need emulator support or need to do low-level things on the OS, this is the version you want.

The following initial tags are available:

  • 2021.10.1 (2021.10)
  • 2021.9.1 (2021.09)
  • 2021.08.1 (2021.08)

There are -node, -browsers, and -ndk variants available. Please visit the GitHub repository (link below) to learn how to use tags for this image.

Moving forward, we will release new tags approximately once a month. These updates will bring in new API levels, build-tools, NDKs, etc as they are available that month. You can visit the Developer Hub (link below) to see which versions of these tools are installed in a specific tag.
