Failed job - az login is complaining after V2 container runtime

I can’t login to azure from a script executed on a docker executor.

It all started the moment it switched to the new V2 container runtime.

I would like to paste you a link to the job but I I can’t publish the message if I include a link.

Hi @WojciechS,

If you provide your org, project and a job number I can take a look!

Thanks Dom

Hi @DominicLavery
Org: OpusCapita
Project: eproc-line-deployment
Job number: 33966

Thanks @WojciechS

I see that there is a warning in the script just before the failure which says

[WARNING] Skipping execution, it will be run only inside Docker container because it can override local user's settings

By any chance, does this look for /.dockerenv to detect it is running in a container? If so, please could you update your script to check for /run/.containerenv as well? Some container runtimes don’t provide the /.dockerenv file

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Thanks @DominicLavery … of course exactly this was the reason of the failures.

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