Composer not available on PHP images

Also doesn’t change the fact that your default config still doesn’t work because composer isn’t installed on that image, which was the main theme behind this thread :smile: You should definitely just change your template to something that works.

What are you talking about :smiley:

The repository assumes you are familiar with PHP.

@rohara, I am familiar w/ PHP. That doesn’t necessitate that your installation has PHPunit. For instance, you can have a very basic installation where you don’t want testing at all. Or you could be using something like Atoum. It shouldn’t be forced in the configuration, or it at least should be commented.

The sample config.yml file is still broken with the same issues: It tries to use Composer with circleci/php:7.1.5-browsers (which doesn’t work), and it incorrectly tries to run phpunit instead of ./vendor/bin/phpunit.

To anyone who still runs into this issue,

The image for php:7.1.5-browsers is now outdated an no longer maintained. We recommend switching to the following image.
